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Fiber-modified enzyme Fiber Care R

A fiber modified enzyme with special modification treatment is extremely effective for pulp modification and has no damage to fibers.


Biological enzyme series

Jinjiahao Green Nano Material



  • Product Description
  • FiberCare®R is a special modified fiber-modified enzyme, which is extremely effective for pulp modification and has no damage to fibers. FiberCare®R is developed and produced using patented technology, with special high specificity and efficiency.

    FiberCare®R through the selective treatment of the pulp fiber surface, can make the pulp in the refiner mechanical processing more flexible, so that can avoid or reduce the fiber cut and produce a large number of fine fibers or fiber cells outside the excessive fine fiber. After the enzyme treatment of the pulp, the flexibility of the pulp and the evenness of the paper can be significantly improved, and the running performance of the paper machine and the strength of the paper can be improved.

    Product Features:

    Color: Amber

    Features: Translucent

    pH: 5.0-9.0

    Physical Shape: Liquid

    Density approximation: 1.08 g/ml

    Vitality: 4500 ECU/g


    Before refining the slurry, the use of FiberCare®R for slurry pretreatment can produce the following benefits:

    Low refining energy consumption

    Improving the Refiner Pulping Throughput

    Improve paper strength performance

    Improve paper quality (e. g. high strength can also be obtained at high paper thickness)

    Improve paper machine running stability

    No loss of slurry

    Application Description

    FiberCare®The suitable working conditions of R are: the temperature is 30-50 ℃(86-122F), and the pH value is 6.0-8.0. FiberCare®R is added before the refiner. In order to obtain the best effect, it is recommended to fully contact the slurry for more than 60 minutes under suitable working conditions. FiberCare®The amount of R added is about 0.050-250kg/ton of absolute dry pulp; however, the optimal use must be optimized according to the actual specific conditions of the plant.

    Storage in use

    The storage condition of our recommend is that the activity level of enzyme preparation can be maintained for 12 months at room temperature. This product is formulated with the best stability, but its enzyme activity will still decrease with further storage time. Extended storage periods and/or higher storage temperatures will result in higher in-service additions.

    Safety, Operation and Storage

    All products are provided with instructions for safety, handling and storage

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The company's main business is the research and development, production and sales of nanofiber series products, as well as the use of nanofibers to develop power lithium-ion battery separators, super capacitor separators, high-strength paper tape, flexible electronic display screens and other series of high-tech green environmental protection nanocomposite materials new products.