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Fiber modified enzyme CWB -8310

Degradation or improvement of water absorption properties of water-soluble colloidal substances and other non-fibrous substances, reducing their water retention value


Biological enzyme series

Jinjiahao Green Nano Material



  • Product Description
  • Fiber-modified enzyme CWB-8310 is a new type of environmentally friendly and efficient biological preparation product composed of a variety of biological enzymes. The product degrades the water-soluble colloidal substance (DCS) through the biological enzyme component therein, thereby reducing the blockage of the micropores between the fibers of the paper web by the soluble substances and colloidal substances in the slurry, and dredging the path for the release of free water in the paper web. The use of this product in the system will significantly increase the speed of paper sheet forming, improve the dehydration of the wire and press, and increase the dryness of the wet paper web, which can reduce the amount of steam in the drying section, improve the quality of the paper, increase the speed and output, and bring direct and significant benefits to the factory. The product is mainly used for chemical pulp, chemical machine pulp as raw material of paper products systems, such as offset paper, electrostatic copy paper, coated paper, writing paper and other cultural paper.

    Product characteristics

    Degradation or improvement of water absorption properties of water-soluble colloidal substances and other non-fibrous substances, reducing their water retention value

    Improve the running performance of the paper machine, shorten the water line in the wire section, and improve the dryness of the wet paper web in the press section.

    Save steam consumption, increase the speed of paper machine, improve the production efficiency of paper machine system

    Product Use

    The suitable CWB-8310 temperature is 30~65 ℃,pH = 5~8, and the action time is 15~60 minutes. CWB-8310 recommend dosage is 0.05~0.30kg/ton pulp: it is recommended to add the outlet of the refiner or the pulp distribution tank, and it can be added continuously. Due to the different production systems and raw materials, the CWB-8310 addition point and addition amount need to be adjusted according to the actual situation on site.

    Product Index

    Color Appearance pH Density g/ml
    Pale yellow to light brown Translucent liquid 4.0~7.0 1.00~1.15


    When using, please wear protective gloves; if there is leakage, rinse with water. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, etc. In contact with skin, immediately rinse with water; in contact with eyes, immediately rinse with water for no less than 15 minutes and timely medical treatment.

    Packaging and storage

    CWB-8310 for 25kg, tons of packaging, according to customer needs can provide other forms of packaging.
    CWB-8310 products at room temperature, the shelf life of 12 months. Protect against high temperatures, especially exposure to the sun.

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The company's main business is the research and development, production and sales of nanofiber series products, as well as the use of nanofibers to develop power lithium-ion battery separators, super capacitor separators, high-strength paper tape, flexible electronic display screens and other series of high-tech green environmental protection nanocomposite materials new products.